Monday, October 15, 2018

22) October 15, 2018

  1. Welcome
  2. Create a new blog post.
    1. Name it 22) October 15, 2018.
  3. Quarter Ends Friday
  4. Showcase--Election Guide
    1. Tuesday, October 23, 4:00-8:00
  5. I Love History Club Meeting Next Week
    1. Friday at Lunch
      1. Angel Island
      2. Sacramento
    2. 1st Quarter/Showcase Project
      1. What do we want for resources for these?
        1. Issues
        2. Money
        3. Ads
        4. Endorsements
      2. Daily Write--Propositions
        1. Choose three that you feel are the most important.
        2. Why are they the most important to you?
          1. KQED
          2. Ballotpedia
      3. Offices/Judgeships
    3. Finish
      1. Daily Write--Pew Center for the People and the Press Political Typology Survey
      2. Daily Write--I Side With 
    4. Review Quiz?
    5. Freakonomics?
      1. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance?
      2. Daily Closing
        1. What did you learn?
        2. How did you learn it? (What did we do and what got you to understand it?)
        3. How does it or will it affect you?
        4. How can you use it?

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