Friday, October 12, 2018

21) October 12, 2018

  1. Welcome
  2. Create a new blog post.
    1. Name it 21) October 12, 2018.
  3. Quarter Ends October 19
  4. Showcase--Election Guide
    1. Tuesday, October 23, 4:00-8:00
  5. I Love History Club Meeting Next Week
    1. Friday at Lunch
      1. Angel Island
      2. Sacramento
    2. Daily Write--Pew Center for the People and the Press Political Typology Survey
      1. Where do you fit?
      2. How accurate is your label?  Why?
      3. How did you like the questions in general?  How could they have been better?
      4. Were there any answers you would like to change?  If so, why?  If not, why not?
      5. Were there any particular questions that were hard to answer with the choices they gave?  Which ones were they?  Why were they hard?
    3. Daily Write--I Side With 
      1. Who do you side with?  Why?
      2. Do you agree or disagree with the survey?  Why?
      3. How did this survey compare to the other survey?
      4. Did you like these questions better or worse than the other survey?  Why?
      5. How did these issues compare to the major issues we have covered so far?
      6. How did you end up on your ideology?  Why?
      7. Do you agree or disagree with your ideology?  Why?
      8. How did you rate on the themes?  Why?
      9. Did the themes make sense?  If so, do they help?  If not, why not?
    4. Review Quiz?
    5. Freakonomics?
      1. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance?
      2. Daily Closing
        1. What did you learn?
        2. How did you learn it? (What did we do and what got you to understand it?)
        3. How does it or will it affect you?
        4. How can you use it?

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