Friday, September 28, 2018

16) September 28, 2018

  1. Welcome
  2. Create a new blog post.
    1. Name it 16) September 28, 2018.
  3. Daily Write--COD 5/6 Warm Up
    1. In the following table enter ideas and examples for each theme for both chapters
      Ch 5
      Ch 6





  4. COD 5/6 Quiz
  5. More Kavanaugh?
  6. Field Trips
    1. Washington/NYC
      1. Who?
    2. Angel Island
    3. Sacramento
    4. I Love History Club
      1. $10 by Friday
      2. Meeting on Friday
      3. Officers?
  7. Freakonomics?
    1. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance?
    2. Daily Closing
      1. What did you learn?
      2. How did you learn it? (What did we do and what got you to understand it?)
      3. How does it or will it affect you?
      4. How can you use it?

    Wednesday, September 26, 2018

    15) September 26, 2018

    1. Welcome
    2. Create a new blog post.
      1. Name it 15) September 26, 2018.
    3. Daily Write--Kavanaugh Nomination/Changing Attitudes
      1. Discussion?
    4. COD 4 Quiz?
    5. COD 1-4 Comparision/Discussion
    6. Field Trips
      1. Washington/NYC
        1. Who?
      2. Angel Island
      3. Sacramento
      4. I Love History Club
        1. $10 by Friday
        2. Meeting on Friday
        3. Officers?
    7. Freakonomics?
      1. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance?
      2. Daily Closing
        1. What did you learn?
        2. How did you learn it? (What did we do and what got you to understand it?)
        3. How does it or will it affect you?
        4. How can you use it?

      Monday, September 24, 2018

      14) September 24, 2018

      1. Welcome
      2. Create a new blog post.
        1. Name it 14) September 24, 2018.
      3. COD 4 Quiz?
      4. Daily Write--Priorities Worksheet
        1. Please make a copy of the above doc.
        2. Please put it in your folder.
        3. Please link it to today's blog.
      5. Daily Write--How many hours in a week?
        1. Please make a copy of the above doc.
        2. Please put it in your folder.
        3. Please link it to today's blog.
      6. Daily Write--Kavanaugh Nomination/Changing Attitudes
        1. How have attitudes changed in regard to sexual assault and alcohol consumption with teenagers?
        2. How may the two parties view the issues differently?
        3. How does Kay Hymowitz say this issue may "come back to bite women?"
        4. How does Nancy Gertner view the accusations against Judge Kavanaugh?
        5. Why does "much hang in the balance?"
        6. Why are we in a defining moment?
        7. How does this controversy fit into the current times?
        8. How has the White House characterized the accusations?
        9. How does Hymowitz view these questions?
        10. How does Dr. McConnaughy explain how the current situation compared to the Thomas nomination?
      7. COD 1-4 Comparision/Discussion
      8. Field Trips
        1. Washington/NYC
          1. Who?
        2. Angel Island
        3. Sacramento
        4. I Love History Club
          1. $10 by Friday
          2. Meeting on Friday
          3. Officers?
      9. Freakonomics?
        1. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance?
        2. Daily Closing
          1. What did you learn?
          2. How did you learn it? (What did we do and what got you to understand it?)
          3. How does it or will it affect you?
          4. How can you use it?
        3. READING GUIDE

        Friday, September 21, 2018

        13) September 21, 2018

        1. Welcome
        2. Create a new blog post.
          1. Name it 13) September 21, 2018.
        3. Daily Write--COD 4 Warm Up
          1. Create three how/why questions for COD 4--Federalism. (Possible quiz questions...)
          2. List them in today's blog.
        4. COD 4 Quiz
        5. COD 1-4 Comparision/Discussion
        6. Field Trips
          1. Washington/NYC
            1. Who?
          2. Angel Island
          3. Sacramento
          4. I Love History Club
            1. $10 by Friday
            2. Meeting on Friday
            3. Officers?
        7. Freakonomics?
          1. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance?
          2. Daily Closing
            1. What did you learn?
            2. How did you learn it? (What did we do and what got you to understand it?)
            3. How does it or will it affect you?
            4. How can you use it?
          3. READING GUIDE

          Wednesday, September 19, 2018

          12) September 19, 2018

          1. Welcome
          2. Create a new blog post.
            1. Name it 12) September 19, 2018.
          3. Daily Write--Constitution Day Test
          4. COD Analysis
            1. Finish 03!
            2. 04 Due on Friday
            3. Quiz on Friday/Discuss and Compare 01-04 on Friday
            4. Link them to today's blog
            5. Analytical Question
            6. Comparison?
            7. Template
            8. Rubric
          5. Field Trips
            1. Washington/NYC
              1. Who?
            2. Angel Island
            3. Sacramento
            4. I Love History Club
              1. $10 by Friday
              2. Meeting on Friday
              3. Officers?
          6. Freakonomics?
            1. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance?
            2. Daily Closing
              1. What did you learn?
              2. How did you learn it? (What did we do and what got you to understand it?)
              3. How does it or will it affect you?
              4. How can you use it?
            3. READING GUIDE

            Friday, September 14, 2018

            11) September 14, 2018

            1. Welcome
            2. Create a new blog post.
              1. Name it 11) September 14, 2018.
            3. COD Analysis
              1. Finish 01!  Finish 02!  Finish 03!
              2. Link them to today's blog
              3. Analytical Question
              4. Comparison?
              5. Template
              6. Rubric
            4. Field Trips
              1. Washington/NYC
                1. Who?
              2. Angel Island
              3. Sacramento
              4. I Love History Club
                1. $10 by Friday
                2. Meeting on Friday
                3. Officers?
            5. Freakonomics?
              1. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance?
              2. Daily Closing
                1. What did you learn?
                2. How did you learn it? (What did we do and what got you to understand it?)
                3. How does it or will it affect you?
                4. How can you use it?
              3. READING GUIDE

              Wednesday, September 12, 2018

              10) September 12, 2018

              1. Welcome
              2. Create a new blog post.
                1. Name it 10) September 12, 2018.
              3. COD Analysis
                1. Theme Definitions
                2. Finish 01!
                3. Finish 02!
                4. Finish 03 by Friday!
                5. Analytical Question
                6. Comparison?
                7. Template
                8. Rubric
              4. Field Trips
                1. Washington/NYC
                  1. Who?
                2. Angel Island
                3. Sacramento
                4. I Love History Club
                  1. $10 by Friday
                  2. Meeting on Friday
                  3. Officers?
              5. Freakonomics?
                1. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance?
                2. Daily Closing
                  1. What did you learn?
                  2. How did you learn it? (What did we do and what got you to understand it?)
                  3. How does it or will it affect you?
                  4. How can you use it?
                3. READING GUIDE

                Monday, September 10, 2018

                09) September 10, 2018

                1. Welcome
                2. Create a new blog post.
                  1. Name it 09) September 10, 2018.
                3. Guest Speaker
                4. Kavanagh Hearing?
                5. Executive Branch?
                6. Field Trips
                  1. Washington/NYC
                    1. Who?
                  2. Angel Island
                  3. Sacramento
                  4. I Love History Club
                    1. $10 by Friday
                    2. Meeting on Friday
                    3. Officers?
                7. Friday's Daily Closing
                  1. What did you learn?
                  2. How did you learn it? (What did we do and what got you to understand it?)
                  3. How does it or will it affect you?
                  4. How can you use it?
                8. COD Analysis
                  1. Theme Definitions
                  2. Finish 01?
                  3. Finish 02?
                  4. Analytical Question
                  5. Comparison?
                  6. Template
                  7. Rubric
                  1. Freakonomics?
                    1. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance?
                    2. Daily Closing
                      1. What did you learn?
                      2. How did you learn it? (What did we do and what got you to understand it?)
                      3. How does it or will it affect you?
                      4. How can you use it?
                    3. READING GUIDE

                    Friday, September 7, 2018

                    08) September 7, 2018

                    1. Welcome
                    2. Create a new blog post.
                      1. Name it 08) September 7, 2018.
                    3. Guest Speaker
                    4. Kavanagh Hearing?
                    5. Executive Branch?
                    6. Field Trips
                      1. Washington/NYC
                        1. Who?
                      2. Angel Island
                      3. Sacramento
                      4. I Love History Club
                        1. $10 by Friday
                        2. Meeting on Friday
                        3. Officers?
                    7. COD Analysis
                      1. Finish 01?
                      2. Definitions
                      3. Analytical Question
                      4. Comparison?
                      5. Template
                      6. Rubric
                      1. Freakonomics?
                        1. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance?
                        2. Daily Closing
                          1. What did you learn?
                          2. How did you learn it? (What did we do and what got you to understand it?)
                          3. How does it or will it affect you?
                          4. How can you use it?
                        3. READING GUIDE

                        Wednesday, September 5, 2018

                        07) September 5, 2018

                        1. Welcome
                        2. Create a new blog post.
                          1. Name it 07) September 5, 2018.
                        3. Daily Write--GDP
                          1. Who is Paul Krugman?
                          2. What is GDP?
                          3. Why does he say GDP is not an adequate measure of economic success?
                          4. Why was it a good measure before the 1970's?
                          5. Why is there a difference between estimates of independent economists and the federal government?
                          6. How and why do the different parties view this issue?
                        4. Kavanagh Hearing?
                        5. Field Trips
                          1. Washington/NYC
                            1. Who?
                          2. Angel Island
                          3. Sacramento
                          4. I Love History Club
                            1. $10 by Friday
                            2. Meeting on Friday
                            3. Officers?
                        6. KAPM Analysis
                          1. Finish 02?
                          2. Definitions
                          3. Analytical Question
                          4. Comparison
                          5. Template
                          6. Rubric
                        7. KAPM Sec 1 Ideas and Examples
                          1. Markets
                          2. Regulations
                          3. Equity
                        8. Freakonomics?
                          1. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance?
                          2. Daily Closing
                            1. What did you learn?
                            2. How did you learn it? (What did we do and what got you to understand it?)
                            3. How does it or will it affect you?
                            4. How can you use it?
                          3. READING GUIDE